Vic Castillo

名稱 Vic Castillo
HP 110 負重 90 AP 10 AC 2
力量 6 敏捷 6 體力 5 感知 8
近戰 4 遠程 7 領導 5 協商 2
醫療 2 科學 0 生存 3 機械 3
加入 Day 8 自動加入
要求物品 Bourbon, Hot Sauce
要求建設 Wood-Reinforced Fence
特技 Traits Authority Figure: "Due to his authoratative presence, Vic generates an additional point of Morale per day.
Deadeye: "Due to his extensive firearms training, Vic has an additional square of effective range with all Ranged type weapons.
Sidearm Specialist: "Vic is an expert at using handguns, and gains an additional 5% critical chance with them.
Sub-Leader: "This person is someone who speaks with authority, and whom certain people have chosen to listen to.
Wooden Wall: "This ally enjoys having a Wood-Reinforced Fence around the Shelter, and will gain 1 extra Morale per day after it is completed.
備註 Notes

