技能 | Lv 3 | Lv 6 | Lv 10 | |||
近戰攻擊 Melee |
背刺 Backstab |
玩家從目標背後的格子攻擊目標時致命一擊的機率上升1.5% +15% critical vs. enemies if attacked from behind |
齊射 Barrage |
當玩家結束回合時,如果有4點或以下的AP值未被使用,則會增加到下一回合的總可用AP值中去 Your skill in combat allows you to save up to 4 unused AP and use it on your next turn. |
Warrior 戰士 |
近戰爆擊率翻倍 You are a true demon in combat - your critical chance for all melee weapons has doubled. |
強腕 Brawler |
玩家獲得5點護甲值永久加成 Player gains a permanent +5 to their Armor Class. |
快速反應 Quick Reflexes |
所有近戰武器攻擊時所耗費的AP值減少1點 Your swiftness and skill with melee weapons has allowed you to attack with them more quickly, reducing the AP cost by 1. |
遠程攻擊 Ranged |
爆頭 Vitalshot |
當玩家向殭屍目標射擊時增加10%的致命一擊機率 The player gains a 5% additional critical chance on human targets when using a ranged weapon. |
快速瞄準 Quick Draw |
使用遠程武器射擊時所耗費的AP值減少1點 Your experience with ranged weapons has given you great speed, reducing the AP cost to fire them by 1. |
神槍手 Sharpshooter |
射擊距離+50% Your keen eye and steady aim has increased the effective distance of all ranged weapons by 50%. |
致命一擊 Headshot |
當玩家向人類目標射擊時增加5%致命一擊機率 The player gains an additional %10 critical hit chance on undead when using a ranged weapon. |
快速裝彈 Quick Reload |
裝填遠程武器時所耗費的AP值減少2點 Your familiarity with ranged weapons has allowed you to reload them swiftly, reducing the AP cost by 2. |
領導力 Leadership |
立即行動 GO! |
Lv 1 讓你的伙伴可以直接按照次序執行你的命令 Allows for an ally of your choosing to bump up their move order and go next. |
瞄準頭部 Aim For the Head |
三回合內提升同伴命中殭屍的機率2.5% Improves party chance to-hit undead by 25% for three rounds(only undead). |
站起來 Get Up |
當此技能激活時,任何被擊倒的同伴將立即復蘇並得到10點生命值 When used, knocked out companions immediately get up with 10 health. |
雙時間 Double Time |
隊員1回合內AP+4 Adds 4 AP to each ally for 1 round. |
別怕 Don't Panic |
三回合內同伴免疫恐慌狀態或從恐慌中回复 Keeps allies from going into a Panic (or removes them from one) for 3 rounds. |
了結他們 Finish Them |
增加所有同伴的致命一擊率50%直到回合結束 Increases the critical chance of every party member by 50% for one round. |
協商技巧 Negotiation |
好人緣 Likeable |
每天開始即可回复5點士氣 The player's personality lifts the spirits of their fellows, earning an additional 5 Morale per day. |
受歡迎 Popular |
每天開始還可再積攢10點士氣 The player's force of personality is so attractive that it earns an additional 10 Morale per day. |
團結一致 Unity |
工程建築時間-25% The force of your personality has everyone working together fluidly, reducing the time for every project in the Shelter by 25%. |
團結眾人 Team Effort |
-25% time on all repairs (fence, toilet, generator, fridge) 庇護所的升級以及維修所需時間減少25% |
限額配給 Rationing |
每天食物消耗降低25% The player's personality motivates people to save a bit more food, reducing daily Food cost by 25%. |
醫療技能 Medical |
護理員 Paramedic |
擁有此技能的角色在使用醫療物品回复HP時可以多回复5點 The player's medical skill restores an extra 5 HP when using medical items. |
戰地醫生 Combat Medic |
在戰鬥中治療自己和他人時只花費2點AP而不是最初的4點AP Your experience in combat has improved your speed, allowing you to heal yourself and your allies for only 2 AP instead of 4. |
醫療專家 Expert Physician |
增加最大HP值10點 Your extensive medical experience has everyone at the Shelter in peak health, resulting in a +10 HP bonus to all allies. |
草藥師 Herbalist |
每天可以自動獲得2個繃帶 Your knowledge of traditional remedies has proved quite useful, generating 2 bandages per day from natural sources. |
主治醫師 Chief of Operations |
當你為庇護所分配了護士和醫生職業後,擁有此特性將會使傷病者的回复速度提升50% Your medical authority increases the healing rate to 50% if there is someone in the Doctor or Nurse role in the Shelter |
科學技能 Science |
免疫系統 Immunity |
由於對毒素的抵抗力提升,你受到毒素狀態影響的機率降低50% Due to your extensive work with hazardous chemicals, you have a 50% reduced chance to be inflicted with the Poisoned Status Effect. |
藥劑師 Chemist |
在實驗室中研發項目的速度提升50% Your familiarity with lab work allows you to create items more efficiently, reducing their creation time by 50%. |
炸彈人 Bomberman |
拋擲傷害+50% The player's expert knowledge gains them 50% additional damage with thrown weapons |
發明家 Inventor |
每天自動獲得1加侖汽油 Your familiarity with chemicals allows you to squeeze fuel from every possible source, resulting in an extra gallon per day. |
臨床學專家 Pharmacist |
庇護所生產任何抗生素的產量翻倍 You've focused on the creation of antibiotics, allowing you to effectively double their production at the Shelter. |
生存技巧 Survival |
調查 Survey |
在區域地圖探索範圍增加50% The player's keen senses have increased their survey range on the World Map by 50%. |
旅行者 Trailblazer |
在區域地圖上徒步行進的速度增加25%(意即消耗的時間減少25%) The player's skill has increased the on-foot speed of them and their party by 50%. |
動物磁力 Animal Magnetism |
戰鬥時多一狗隻同伴 Your connection to the wild is so strong that a dog will show up to help you in combat (but will flee if too injured, to return later). |
採集 Forager |
在區域地圖上採集時增加25%的收成 The player's bond with nature has allowed them to increase their maximum harvesting amount by 25%. |
專業園丁 Expert Gardener |
庇護所內的花園和農場每天產出食物的產量增加50% Your remarkable green thumb has allowed any gardens in the Shelter to produce an additional 50% food per day. |
機械技巧 Mechanical |
建築師 Architect |
庇護所升級所花費的時間減少10% Your skill in building allows for Shelter upgrades to be constructed in 10% less time. |
太陽能 Solar Power |
由於你會建造太陽能發電機,因此燃油發電機每天所消耗的燃油降低50% Your knowledge of mechanics has allowed you to rig up a solar generator, reducing your Generator's fuel use by 50%. |
堅不可摧 Impenetrable |
護欄+500生命值 Your superior engineering skills have given your fence incredible durability, raising its total HP to 500. |
效率 Efficiency |
庇護所升級所需的零件要求降低10% You know how to construct more with less - Shelter upgrades require 10% less Parts to complete. |
汽車修理工 Grease Monkey |
使用汽車進行旅行時,燃油消耗降低50% Your skill with optimizing vehicles has reduced your fuel use when traveling by 50%. |