任務目標 Goal

- 50 Antibiotics
- 150 Food (以個數計算,例如1袋米也只計1)
- 25 Fuel (以0.5 Gallon計算,即12.5 Gallon = 25 Fuel)
- 200 Luxury Items (奢侈品,以價值Value計算)
- 100 Parts
- Give 5 Special Luxury Items (把同伴要求的物品送給他)
- Decode 10 Data Items (電腦解碼)

- Repair Shelter Fence (Day 3 前把圍欄HP增加至31,另外失敗還會Game over)
- Build a Shelter Upgrade (建造1個新的設施,維修不計算在內)
- Build 3 Shelter Upgrade (建造3個新的設施)
- Build 6 Shelter Upgrade (建造6個新的設施)
- Build 10 Shelter Upgrade (建造10個新的設施)
- Build 13 Shelter Upgrade (建造13個新的設施)
- Search outside the Shelter for useful locations
- Explore 5 new locations (探索5個新地點)
- Explore 15 new locations (探索15個新地點)
- Explore 30 new locations (探索30個新地點)
- Explore 40 new locations (探索40個新地點)
- Explore 65 new locations (探索65個新地點)
- Find enough food to survive for a week (找尋200磅食物)
- Find 100 pounds of fresh food (找尋100磅新鮮食物,老鼠Rat和蟲Insects也當作是新鮮食品 -.-)
- Find luxury goods to make the Shelter more comfortable (找尋500樣奢侈品)

特別任務 To Do:
[Day 1] Find toolbox for repairing fence at Llano Commercial District
[Day 1] Find enough parts to repair the fence
[Day 3] Acquire antibiotics for Doug at Brady Pharmacy
Build the Wood-Reinforced Fence for Vic
Build the watchtower for Dong
Investigate the Lampasas Shelter
Investigate the Kerrville Shelter
Investigate the Winters Shelter
Investigate the Mmm Bison on Bison Street
Investigate the Old Army Base
Investigate the Mansion for Effrem
Investigate the Soaring Eagle Resort
Investigate Sweetwater
Investigate the militia HQ
Investigate the fuel depot
Investigate Pleasant Oaks Summer Camp
Investigate the Wicked Lily tattoo parlor
Investigate the Truck Stop Doug mentioned
Investigate Fort Locks Storage for Oscar
Investigate Mason Supermarket for Joel
Investigate Miller's Stables for Priscilla
Investigate Foree Outlet Mall for Sandy
Investigate Runnin' Terroir Winery for Sandy
Investigate the Renovated Farmhouse Aimee mentioned
Investigate Bear Armes gun store Clifford mentioned
Investigate the noisy Mausoleum that Grant mentioned
Investigate the other shelters for Vic and report back
Investigate the first Supply Warehouse that Lloyd mentioned
Investigate the second Supply Warehouse that Lloyd mentioned
Investigate the third Supply Warehouse that Lloyd mentioned
Investigate the Chunk Bros factory the radio mentioned
Investigate the Hamilton Airfield the radio mentioned
Investigate the Dublin Bar the radio mentioned
Investigate the Hamilton Airfield the radio mentioned
Meet Ford at Abandoned Farm
Go to Coleman with Vic
Check in on Lane listener #1 & 2 at Diamondback Hardware
Check in on Lane listener #3 at the Dead End
Check in on Lane listener #4 at Fairchild's Organics
Talk to Lane about the fates of his listeners
Visit Medieval Tines with Priscilla
Visit the Dublin Bar to find Aggro's ex-boyfriend
Visit the trailer park and find Darlene's bow
Get wasp spray for Renee
Get wasp spray for Sandy
Anita needs medical dictionary for Renee
Aimee needs tattoo gun for Regina
Find a special edition of Galaxy Wars for Priscilla
Find asthma medicine for Ryan at Country Clinic
Find guitar strings for Aggro
Pick up Japanese/English dictionary for Michiru
Pick up Lane's music from Paradise Apartments
Search the park for any evidence of Ryan's family
Recover sensitive medical equipment for Karen at Small Clinic
Recover surgery tools for Michiru
Get the stolen lighter from the mercenary leader in Austin for Gillian
The plane is ready to go. Talk to Davis to start evacuating allies to the airport.
The bus is ready to go. Talk to Davis to start evacuating allies.

