狀態 Status

狀態 介紹

著火 Immolated
Immolated characters have been set on fire from a fire-based attack or when hit by a weapon that has the Immolate weapon effect. Human targets will put themselves out if on fire when their turn comes, causing them to lose 4AP.. The undead will take 30% of their total HP every round until dead while on fire. If Fire Resistance = 100%, characters take no damage from fire and do not get Immolated or Burned by fire attacks. When attacked by a fire-based attack, the chance of being Immolated is equal to half the difference of their armor's fire resistance. For example, if a character has a fire resistance of 30%, the difference would be 70%, and their chance of being Immolated would be 35%.

流血 Bleeding
Certain weapons have a chance to cause bleeding damage. Bleeding causes a character to lose 1-5 HP every round for 3-5 rounds. The damage is random every round (between 1-5) and the number of rounds (3-5) is generated at the time the status is inflicted. If Bleeding status is inflicted while the target is bleeding, the status is reset, not stacked.

擊倒 Prone
Target has been knocked to the ground. Prone targets have a temporary Agility of 1. Requires 50% of AP to get up (need to be healed first if at 0 or fewer HP). Certain weapons/attacks do more damage to Prone targets.

眩暈 Dizzy
Target’s to-hit temporarily lowered by 50% for 3 turns.

驚恐 Panicked
(NPCs ONLY) Target will try to flee from combat. Caused when their Panic or Horror threshold is triggered.

目盲 Blind
Agility and Perception are set to 1 for 3 rounds.

中毒 Poisoned
Target takes damage over time. Only affects humans, and appears in two levels: Level 1: does 1-5 HP damage for 1-3 rounds. Level 2: does 5-10 HP damage for 3-5 rounds.

持續狀態 持續狀態需要回到庇護所上床休息才能去除,為庇護所分配護士和醫師將會加快恢復時間,某些護甲和裝飾品也能夠減少持續狀態的時間。
狀態 介紹

燒傷 Burned
The chance of being Burned is 10% each time Immolate status is applied. Reduces to-hit with melee and ranged weapons by 30%. Requires advanced medical treatment or rest. Duration: 48 hours

受傷 Wounded
如果角色曾經被KO過又被復甦回來,則會帶有“受傷”的標籤。 “受傷”效果會讓目標減少2點最大AP值,並只能回復到80%的HP上限,基礎持續時間72小時,只能通過休息來去除。
If a human is KO'd and healed, it causes the Wounded status. Wounded status temporarily reduces max AP by 2 and only allows HP to be healed as much as 80% of their maximum. Wounded can only be cured with rest. Duration = 72 Hours

疲勞 Fatigued
Target has been active in the field for more than 12 hours or is starving. Fatigued status reduces Accuracy and Dodge by 25%. Duration = 12 hours

殘肢(手部) Arm Sprain
(NPCs ONLY) Accuracy reduced by 10%. Duration = 48 hours

殘肢(腳部) Leg Sprain
Reduces the ability to evade by 10%. Duration = 48 hours

感染 Infected
(NPCs ONLY)Target has been infected with the undeath virus. If left untreated, this condition will kill the target and raise them as undead. Infected targets will come back as the undead if killed in combat. Treated with daily doses of antibiotics. Duration = Permanent

沮喪 Discouraged
(NPCs ONLY)Overall mood is low. Reduces damage dealt by 25% and halves productivity for NPCs back at the Shelter. Duration = 72 hours

狀態 介紹


(Allies only) The target has worked out in the Gym upgrade for a full day (8 hours), and has a 10% damage bonus to their melee attacks. Duration = 96 hours


(Allies only) The target has practiced in the Shooting Gallery upgrade for a full day (8 hours), and has a 10% accuracy bonus to their ranged attacks. Duration = 96 hours


(Allies only) The target has taken Stuporax, which has granted them a 25% bonus to their accuracy for 3 rounds. Duration = 3 rounds


(Allies only) The target has taken Soothinum, which has granted them an immunity to Panic for the day. Duration = 24 hours